AbdurRahman มือเก๋า

เข้าร่วมเมื่อ: 26/07/2005 ตอบ: 185
ตอบ: Tue Dec 06, 2005 7:39 am ชื่อกระทู้: เหตุเกิดที่อิร็อก ทุกๆวัน |
พูดไม่ออกครับ อ่านเอาละกันครับ ทำผมน้ำตาไหลเลยครับ
A Message From Women Of Anbar To Every Muslim On The Earth
From Women of Anbar, your mothers, sisters, and daughters, to every Muslim on the face of the earth.
Assalamualikum wa Rahmatu Allahi wa Barakatuh,
Those of us who fell in the hands of Shia or the cross worshipers have been raped and tortured, the rest of us are homeless. We sleep on streets with nothing to protect us or our young children from the desert cold, and you know how harsh the desert cold can get in Anbar.
Until when, until when, until when, we will either be in prison or homeless on the desert streets.
Trillions of dollars went to America when it was hit by Katrina and trillions more of Muslims money are kept in banks. Allahu Akbar! Do you not have any mercy left in your heart? Tell us please, what sin have we committed? Are we being punished because every woman in Anbar became a mother or a sister or a daughter to those who came for Jihad in the cause of Allah? Or could it be that you are waiting for America to give you the green light to send donations?
You sleep comfortably on silk in your secure homes while the ground has turned into blazing fire under us to destroy us. Dont you have any mercy in your hearts? Have you not thought of those young men who left everything behind and came to Iraq to answer the call of Allah? You know how hard, risky, and dangerous the trip to the land of Jihad is.
We are not asking you to come over; we will turn our bodies into balls of fire to burn the enemies of Allah if our men give us permission.
This is the scenario in Ramadi, Qaim, Hadithah, Hait, Talafar, Samara, and other cities where Sunni Mujahideen live.
You and we will die eventually. We hope to die in a state of righteousness and we hope to die as martyrs.
Women of Anbar
Mothers of Mujahideen from Ansar and Muhajireen
28 Shawwal 1426
November 30, 2005
English Translation © Jihad Unspun 2005
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